BITS Meetings' Virtual Library:
Abstracts from Italian Bioinformatics Meetings from 1999 to 2013

766 abstracts overall from 11 distinct proceedings

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1. D'Alessandro L, Felice B, Montemurro F, Medico E
Meta-analysis of multiple microarray datasets reveals a novel genomic signature associated to invasive growth of epithelial cells and early breast cancer metastasis.
Meeting: BITS 2004 - Year: 2004
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Topic: Unspecified
2. Fu L-M, Isella C, Corà D, Caselle M, Medico E
Use of an innovative clustering algorithm to summarize the outcome of genome-wide motif searches
Meeting: BITS 2007 - Year: 2007
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Topic: Novel methodologies, algorithms and tools
3. Fu L-M, Medico E
FMC, a Fuzzy Map Clustering algorithm for microarray data analysis
Meeting: BITS 2004 - Year: 2004
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Topic: Microarray algorithms and data analysis
4. Isella C, Renzulli T, Cora D, Medico E
MulCom: a multiple comparison statistical test for microarray data in Bioconductor
Meeting: Proceedings of BITS 2010 Meeting - Year: 2010
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Topic: Transcriptomics
5. Isella C, Renzulli T, Medico E
A bioinformatics pipeline for microarray analysis: from cell models to breast cancer classification
Meeting: BITS 2009 - Year: 2009
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Topic: Transcriptomics Gene Expression and Microarray Analysis
6. Medico E, D'Alessandro L, Gentile A
Handling global expression data from multiple microarray platforms
Meeting: BIOCOMP 2003 - Year: 2003
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7. Piccolis M, Medico E
The genomic signature for in vitro-induced invasive growth is enriched in genes correlated with human cancer aggressiveness
Meeting: BITS 2006 - Year: 2006
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Topic: Microarray design and data analysis
8. Renzulli T, Isella C, Cantarella D, Martinoglio B, Porporato R, Cimino D, De Bortoli M, Sismondi P, Medico E
Diagnostic Validation of Genomic Signatures Associated to Invasive Growth and Metastatic Progression of Human Breast Cancer
Meeting: BITS 2009 - Year: 2009
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Topic: Transcriptomics Gene Expression and Microarray Analysis
9. Roasio R, Fu L-M, Botta M, Medico E
MulCom: a novel program for the statistical analysis of genomic data obtained on multiple microarray platforms
Meeting: BITS 2004 - Year: 2004
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Topic: Unspecified

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